Our concert “EMAJINARIUM – After the storm” enables the public to explore the singing voice in its purest form. Our artists perform instrumental and vocal music. We take the audience to another world with our very talented artists such as pianists, violinists, opera singers and dancers. The Free Spirit offers a new way of experiencing a live concert, one that unleashes the expressive power of music. Our performances are for music lovers who want to expand their horizons.
20 compositions have been created by our artists for the EMAJINARIUM – After the storm concert. The music compositions are related to a story which remind us the issue about climate change. Throught the music, we tell a story about the negative impact we have on nature. We must to respect nature and live. We need humility as nature can show a lot of power as we could see in the last decades (hurricanes, storms, tsunamis, etc…)
“EMAJINARIUM After the storm” is the story of a child living in the dreamlands. Every 5000 years, a massive cataclysm happens in that wonderful world. During the drama, the kid gets lost and cannot find his parents. While he’s trying to find them, the child meets a beautiful creature that looks like a tiger and a fox. That creature will become his friends, and together, they will have to face a lot of challenges to survive and to find the child’s parents…
Through our concert, we want to remind people how human beings, wildlife and nature are inter-related. It is important to understand that each of those part need to be protected. We want the public to make a trave through very deep emotions like joy, sadness and fear.
How music can save our planet :
Forests, which cover 30%of the planet surface, play a vital role for the survival and the well-being of the 7 billions inhabitants of the planet and biodiversity protection. They are source of food, medication and clean water. They take part in carbon sequestration, flooding control and protection against soils erosion and desertification. Finally, they are essential to fight against climate change.
The Free Spirit launched the re-green the planet program. We aim to plant 1 million trees within the next few year all over the world. Our first concert in Paris in January 2019 enabled us to raise fund to plant 34 000 trees : 1000 in Mexico in collaboration with Plant-for-the-planet and 33 000 in Kenya in collaboration with SeedballsKenya, Mara Elephant, Lion Guardians and Rotary.